Author: M-Drone
Date: December 26, 2024
Spraying Banana Tree Affected by Fungus

Banana, known scientifically as Musa paradisiaca Linn, is the second most important fruit crop in India. The production of banana is highest in states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat and Assam.

However, the banana farming is challenging because of various fungal diseases and pest attack. Fungal diseases such as Sigatoka Diseases (Black Sigatoka and Yellow Sigatoka) cause leaf spot and reduce photosynthesis, which reduces the amount of fruits in the tree, results in reduction of yield. The soil-borne fungal disease, Panama Disease (Fusarium Wilt) can affect the plant by infecting the plant’s vascular system. Bunchy Top Disease which is caused by phytoplasma, leads to poor growth of the tree and affects fruit production. 

To prevent these diseases fungicides are sprayed on the banana trees. They help to manage and control fungal infections that cause diseases such as Sigatoka and Panama disease. But, using regular backpack based spraying methods, it is very difficult to cover large banana plantation in short time with efficiency. It requires significant labour and time. Also, precision spray is not possible with the conventional backpack based spray system. Even the workers will be exposed to chemicals which will affect their health. 

Using agricultural drones to spray banana trees is more efficient than traditional spraying methods. It helps to reduce over usage of chemical pesticides, saves water consumption by 85%, also helps in faster spraying by saving 80% of time consumption compared to traditional spraying. Also, with the drone based automatic spray system, uniform and precision spray can be achieved which helps in better production and increase the yield. 

Spraying pesticides and fertilizers traditionally on banana is time consuming, challenging and laborious method. However, advancement of drone in agricultural field is revolutionizing the farming. Multiplex Drone Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of the Multiplex Group of Companies, is leading this transformation. The drones manufactured by Multiplex Drone Pvt. Ltd. such as MD-10H and MD-10H+ are famous for efficiency and effective crop spraying.

Recently, our team assisted a farmer with fungicide spraying on his banana plantation using MD-10H agricultural drone. By using the advanced drone spraying technology, we aimed to provide effective solutions for managing fungal diseases and optimizing crop health in banana farming.

  • Purpose of the spray – 
    • The banana trees were afflicted by a fungal disease, causing the leaves to turn yellowish-brown, which led to a decrease in fruit production.
    • Prevent disease spread, protect plant health, improve production quality, improve yield and reduce losses. 
  • Info of the environment –
Spray Date4th August, 2024
Spray LocationAnekal, Karnataka
Field typeFlat terrain
Crop heightAvg. 6 ft.
Weather Sunny with clear visuals (no precipitation)
Wind speed2.3 m/s
Sprayed area8 acres
  • Operation parameters –
Drone ModelMD-10H
Manufacturer Multiplex Drone Pvt. Ltd.
Flight ModeLoiter mode
Drone flying height (above the crop)Avg. 3 ft.
Agri input sprayed per acre10 L
Done speed<3 m/s
Flight path patternGrid
Nozzle TypeTee Jet Nozzle
Time consumed to spray each acre8 min
  • Info of chemicals –
Chemical nameChemical TypeClassUsed quantity for 80 L mixture
NORIKO T3LiquidFungicide100 ml
RIDOMIL GOLDPowderFungicide 1 kg
  • Conclusion –

Spraying fungicide with the drone was very effective and farmer was extremely happy. He gave us positive feedback. We are happy to serve the customer as per his needs.  

The future of drone spraying in banana cultivation looks promising. As technology advances and becomes more affordable, more farmers are likely to adopt this innovative solution. Multiplex Drone Pvt. Ltd. is committed to revolutionizing banana farming in India through our advanced drone technology. By providing efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solutions, we are helping farmers to increase their productivity and profitability. 

If you are interested in purchasing a drone for your needs or if you are looking for Agri-Drone spray services, you may contact us to this number – +91-80-23497464 or write to us at [email protected].
